We are pleased to announce that Starrlights has been selected by the Metropolitan New York College Career Planning Officers Association (MNYCCPOA) for the first-place prize in the 2013 Alva C. Cooper Awards for Best Practices in Career Development.
After being launched in Fall 2012, we have posted nearly fifty pieces of content including alumni interviews, career tips, student stories, career fair reviews, and SCDC announcements as well as re-published Ticker articles from our column “Career Corner.”
Starrlights has become a platform to share student voices to a larger audience outside of the Starr Career Development Center—which serves a school population of over 17,000 students.

The Blog Team, Dr. Ellen Stein, Kamelia Kilawan, Jason Ioffe, and Jillian DiBlasi presented at Google’s headquarters in New York on May 3, 2013 to highlight ways the blog has amplified the voices of Peers online.
Starrlights is just one innovation stemming from The Peers for Careers program made up of a highly trained group of student leaders who provide resume reviews, cover letter critiques, and mock interviews. In addition to writing Starrlights, Peers also write a weekly Career Corner column in the Ticker school newspaper, and facilitate a variety of career-related workshops and presentations.
We would like to sincerely thank MNYCCPOA for selecting our blog for this prestigious award along with Deputy Director Dr. Ellen Stein for her guidance and genuine support for this project and the Peers for Careers program.