Staying Active During the Summer

By Ajay Rattu, Peer for Career

It’s getting warmer out which means that summer is right around the corner. Summer is the time for students to not worry about tests and just soak in some sun and relax. While enjoying the weather and relaxing is great, there is also plenty of time to to spruce up your resume as a student and gain experience in your field of interest. Three main activities that you can add to your summer are: landing an internship, securing a summer job, and volunteering your time to help the community.

Landing a summer internship, whether paid or unpaid, may be one of the best things a student can do to prepare for to finding a job after graduation. An internship not only provides more content for your resume, but more importantly, it also provides you with experience. Experience is always welcome, whether the opportunity was ultimately a good match for you or not, because something can always be learned through experience. The experience you obtain from an internship helps you, as a student, decide if your field of interest is a great fit for you. Through an internship, a student will learn and understand some of the daily responsibilities of their position of interest. Some of the questions students may have, such as, “What kind of things will I be doing on a daily basis?” and “Who do I interact with?” will be answered. Through that experience and a better understanding of the position and industry, the student is able to effectively gauge if they are the right fit for that particular line of work.

Another way a student can gain experience in the summer is through a summer job. Obtaining a summer job is a great way to increase your overall skills and also to create some type of income for yourself. The summer income can assist in a student’s semester expenses. Expenses like tuition, transportation, and food can be taken care of either partially or wholly with the summer income. Along with the summer job and income there is something students should learn to master, which is budgeting! By budgeting their expenses for the semester, students can focus more on their academics rather than stressing if they will need to find work mid-semester.

Although internships summer jobs are important, taking part in some type of volunteer work is also beneficial to a student. Volunteer work and community service is a great way to stay active during the summer while gaining interactive experience. Regardless of the type of assistance a student provides, the student will gain more knowledge either in the work itself or on how to interact with others.
Other suggestions for the summer that may be useful for students are to learn a new skill and to continue reading through the summer. By learning a new skill a student can increase their knowledge and also incorporate it to their resume. Hopefully as a student you are able to do at least one of these things to pave the way to a dream job after graduation. Enjoy your summer!