Writing II KMWF

Blog 1


Hello, my name is Talha Sial. I’m currently a freshman at Baruch and intend on majoring in marketing management.  A piece of art or picture that I chose to represent myself which symbolizes me as a person and one of my biggest passions is basketball. I have learned a lot from the sport and many life lessons both on and off the court. Basketball is a sport which I absolutely love and is one of my biggest passions. I am always playing basketball whenever I get the chance and during my free time. I try to play every day if I get the chance. The feeling I get playing basketball is amazing, benefiting me in multiple ways. Also the added bonus of meeting new people and forming bonds and relationships through the sport. I chose this picture because I love the sound of the basketball going through the net. The swish sound of a ball going through the net  is so satisfying. Also the fact I find basketball therapeutic. Whenever I am in a bad mood or in any situation I can always count on going to a basketball court with my headphones on, getting shots up to get my mind off whatever is bothering me and to ease down.

One thought on “Blog 1”

  1. Hey Talha,

    Your blog post definitely coincides with mine. Basketball has definitely been a passion of mine for years. I love how basketball relates to everyday life activities and teaches us life lessons.

    – Javon Delva

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