Writing II KMWF

blog 2

Being a resident of nyc I have experience the effect of neoliberalism first hand.Before every time I say a new building being build or a new store being open I would get happy because I thought that these things would increase the quality of life in my community.But I quickly came to the realization that these things were not being build for us but for the tourist or member that of a higher class that came to visit or that were moving in.I live around a high tourist concentrated area so I been use to seeing them around but now is to the point were they are permanent members of the community.Another way is through inflation, but Inflation is going to happen regardless of neoliberalism or not.

The landscape of nyc has changed a lot, even so much that some places feel as if I’ve never been there.For example a lot of places which were previously open to the public now you have to pay to get in or can’t even get in at all.Like in the passage by Dickson, she mentions how graffiti does not compliment the image of New York and that’s why they were doing everything in there power to stop it.I believe that the politicians think that the black and latino Communities don’t help the image of nyc so they are trying to push us out in order to look more appealing to tourist and other travelers.

One thought on “blog 2”

  1. Jason, I agree with what you said earlier in your writing because I feel the same way in which you said that they don’t build for us rather for the higher class and those who pay to see this new attractions. I also could relate with your feelings towards New York changing their landscape which feels as if I’ve never been there before.

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