Writing II KMWF

Blog 3

While reading the “Racial Capitalocene” by Francoise Verges, and “New York’s Invisible Climate Migrants” by Sophie Kasakove, one thing that I noticed is that race plays a huge role on what environmental dangers they face. Even though these excerpts share different stories, they explain similar troubles that families of low income can face. For example,  in “Racial Capitalocene” it is mentioned how “race was the single most important factor in determining where toxic waste facilities were sited in the United States and that the siting of these facilities in in communities of color was the intentional result result of local, state, and federal land use policies. This shows how these minority groups have no other choice than to deal with this because in order to get away from these places they would need money which is sometimes a trouble for them. It is also shown that the government has no intentions to help the people of lower class because they will always be victims of radicalized environmental politics.  In addition, the the excerpt “New York’s Invisible Climate Migrants” it is mentioned how “a lot of people didn’t have the resources to rebuild. some homes eventually went foreclosure, and other were sold.” Because of natural disasters, people are being forced to leave their homes without any option of looking back simply because they can’t afford to fix things on their own. People who were actually able to fix their homes and prevent them from being ruined by floods took over the neighborhood. Both of these articles have shown that minority groups are unable to afford better living conditions.

2 thoughts on “Blog 3”

  1. I agree with your theme that race can determine whether someone faces environmental dangers because people of color are more likely to be living in areas with dangers such as waste sites and potential floods due to their financial situations. Good neighborhoods have higher rents which make them accessible to only the wealthier individuals.

  2. I agree with your theme about race playing a role on environmental dangers and I wished that weren’t the case. Low income families and mainly people of color have to deal with this as housing around these areas are more affordable, unfortunately, they are not in the safest location and without the governments aid these people are forced to leave their homes.

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