Writing II KMWF

Blog 4

The way a paper is written, including the types of sentences used in it, has major effects on whether a reader will understand the paper. Repetitively writing one type of sentence in a paragraph will cause the readers to be disengaged and perhaps confused. A writer should always aim to balance the different types of sentences they use in their paper. In the two paragraphs I chose, I utilized all four types of sentences mentioned in the slides and the article. In the paragraphs, I wrote 6 complex sentences, 4 simple sentences, 3 compound sentences, and 2 complex compound sentences. The result reveals that I utilize complex sentences the most in my writing. I was a little surprised that I had 4 simples which I thought would be lower. Another thing I was surprised about was I had 6 complex sentences 3 compound sentences. I thought I would have the most number of compound sentences but it was probably due to that I wrote 4 simple sentences. The count of different sentence types will encourage me to limit the number of simple sentences within my writing. Perhaps I can combine some simple sentences and form compound sentences. These changes will enhance my writing because some simple sentences combined will make the piece of writing easier to read or flow better. In addition, I can also choose to explain more in those simple sentences to make them complexes, compounds, or even compound complexes. For the final paper, I think I will be focusing on explaining the quotes more and making the arguments more clearly for the readers to understand.