Writing II KMWF

Blog 4

To be quite honest, I was not as surprised by the results. The only part that surprised me was there were 2 simple sentences, which I thought would be the least. I know that I’m pretty wordy, especially when it comes to essay writing like analysis, therefore, I did expect there to be fewer simple sentences. I think the overall results do support how I’ve seen my writing, as trying to add a lot of information into each sentence, whether that ends up being the most efficient way varies. It also might have been since it was a draft I was trying to get a lot of my ideas and information on paper, so it might have added to it. I would want to look over what is written and see if the way they are written is truly helpful or maybe rewriting them in a different sentence-style will help improve the overall message. Therefore, it will help me be more conscious of how exactly I’m writing as some sentences might benefit being, for instance, a compound sentence, while others might be better as a simple sentence.  These edits go with how I plan to revise my draft as I want to review it and try to make sense of how to organize the information for it to make the most sense. This goes with the sentence revision as maybe it would make more sense for me to change the order of the information or reword it so that the overall message makes the most sense.