Writing II KMWF

Blog 4

The results were not too surprising to find out after identifying sentence types. I noticed that I mainly used compound or compound-complex sentences in my writing. It was interesting to analyze how I write while writing a paper, and I have determined that I write in three different ways. I either write as if I am speaking, write as if I am summarizing (not analyzing), or I write as if I am telling a story. You can tell through the different sentence structures or through the overall tone of the paragraph. I also noticed that I insert a lot of commas, whether I need them or not. This goes into play whenever I write as if I am speaking to an audience. I am planning on changing the way my tone is conveyed in my writing through the sentence structures and tone of the paper. This will be vital when I am comparing the artifacts I chose to Dickinson’s graffiti article because it will allow my writing to sound more analytical. I always had trouble with that in high school because I could not retain the information that the teacher was explaining. Sentence style definitely correlates to the future edits I will be making to my draft because it will help the paper sound more cohesive than it is now. Upon reading my piece, I noticed that it lacks flow since my ideas are all over the place. Sentence style can really help me to create sentences that fit into the analysis portion and sound like my thoughts are together.