Writing II KMWF

For my art piece, I chose an article titled “Kidneys for sale: poor Iranians compete to sell their organs” written by Saeed Kamali Dehghan. This article describes how easy it is for people in Iran to receive kidneys. Since organ trade is legal in Iran, there isn’t an extensive waiting line for donor organs. I believe this article is trying to point out that legalizing organ trade can lower mortality. Dehghan explains how many Americans die from kidney failure while waiting for a donor. However, this isn’t the case in Iran. Many Iranians can receive an organ when they need it because there is a legalized market.

I chose this artwork to figure out how many lives can be saved if we legalize organ trade in other countries. I intend to use this article to expose the dangers of having organs traded in the black market and how we can make it safer for donors and patients through legalization. 

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/may/27/iran-legal-trade-kidney

5 thoughts on “”

  1. I find it interesting that Iranians trade their kidneys and it is perfectly legal to do that in Iran. It is unusual to see organ trading in countries but it could be beneficial since people’s lives could be saved as a result of this.

  2. Your idea is really interesting, and I had no idea organ trade eas legal in Iran. I also agree that there might be a benefit to legalizing this in other countries, especially, as you mentioned, so manh people die while being on wait-lists for transplants. I think this is a very fascinating topic to explore, and I’m eager to learn more about it.

  3. You have a topic that is very worth looking into and one that doesn’t fit in common sense, so this caught my eye and I had was pleasantly surprised. I’d like to see you compare this to another illegitimate black market deal so I can see more interesting and in-depth analysis!

  4. I really think the piece you chose is worth talking about. Therefore, I can’t wait to see how you analyze this article and convince your audience of why it may be more beneficial to legalize organ trade in other countries as well!

  5. Wow. This is a heavy topic. Immediately what comes to mind is a Marxist or economic analysis of this trend: what does it mean that people are literally selling off body parts to make a living? Is that a life that sounds sustainable? I’m reminded a little bit of the show Squid Games, and how some of its themes are in the same vein as these concepts. I wonder if you might find a piece of art that comments on or satirizes capitalist exploitation of bodies in the same way that this article does.

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