Writing II KMWF

Blog 7

While reading this article, it was instantly clear to me that Kamala Harris as Vice President was a more strategic move to gain support from the black community. In the article it states that, ” In the 2016 Presidential election, Black voter turnout declined for the first time in twenty years, dropping from sixty-seven to sixty per cent”. With that being said, there is a big chance that we aren’t here discussing Joe Biden as president if it weren’t for him selecting Kamala Harris as his V.P. This was a clear move to gain support from African American supporters. Not saying it is a bad move because she turned out to be a voice for all black women but there was still much said that don’t solve their problems. According to this author, the limits of representation demonstrates that even if we put miniorites to represent their race, then it might limit the representation that they might have on others that include the poor, or other races. All throughout this article, there was much explanation that leads me to believe that even though we put a African American women as our Vice President, that will not guarantee that she represent all of the Black Americans that need her support and help!

4 thoughts on “Blog 7”

  1. I agree with when you said that Joe Biden would likely not have been picked if he didn’t choose Harris as his vice. It’s the unfortunate truth. I also think that it’s unfortunate that Biden decided to choose Harris, who is on the wealthier side. She wouldn’t really understand how other black individuals felt since she didn’t grow up in the same way they did.

  2. I do agree that Biden elected Kamala Harris alongside him so that he could get political gain from black people. Considering the things that he has done and said about them, Harris seemed to have been elected so that he could get political gain. Black politicians should do their best to understand the perspective of less wealthy black people so that they could make changes.

  3. I agree with the point you made. Joe Biden would probably lose this election as statistical data proved that black voter rates were declining if Biden did not choose Kamala Harris as an election running mate. I also believe putting a person of color doesn’t solve everything. Kamala Harris can’t understand her support because she hasn’t been in a challenging situation like them in her lifetime.

  4. I like that you made a point about electing Kamala Harris was a strategic move by Biden to excite Black voters. The article shed a lot of light about that decision, especially with mentions of Biden’s past comments and decisions in his career. I agree with you that the article was also enlighting about the limits of representation, where race is not the one and only factor when it comes to representation.

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