Writing II KMWF

Blog 7

After reading the article “Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Limits of Representation” by Keeanga-Yamahatta Taylor, I learned that the term “limits of representation” refers to the fact that different classes have different situations and that one person represents only a small portion of the race. From the article, we know that Biden chose Kamala Harris as his vice president in part because of her skin color, but she does not represent the majority of black women. According to the article, “Black women are, in general, one of the most oppressed and marginalized groups in the United States.” This illustrates that black women face a lot of pressure from society, but society doesn’t take care of what they think. However, Kamala Harris has the power and money to ensure that people will listen to her voice. From my point of view, even though Kamala Harris is from the Democratic Party, she cannot achieve all the goals promised by the Democratic Party. Kamala Harris is a representative of black women, but she cannot understand and represent the experiences of black women from the bottom because she was educated and faced with experiences that made her successful, and that is the “limits of representation”.

One thought on “Blog 7”

  1. I think it’s good that you mentioned something that makes me think about what they are currently doing. One person may not be truly representative of a race in the sense of being able to experience some level of difficulty because of the environment they are in and the cultural education, and then not be able to make meaningful change.

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