Writing II KMWF

Eileen Carino salas Blog 6

The piece of artwork I chose to use is a Netflix drama series called “Cable Girls”. It was made by Ramon Campos and was released on April 28,2017. This show takes place in the 1920’s in Madrid. As Spain has created its first national telephone company four women who work in the company show their progress during the times when women attempt to create equal rights compared to those of men. To me the general message of the show is “Can women have it all?”. The show represents all the struggles that women face  while simply trying to make a living.

I chose this piece of art because as a female, I have always viewed the issue of feminism and sexism as something that is very important. The show perfectly represents women being unequal to men and their journey into becoming more than just women who work under the control of men.  Even though this issue is not as bad as it was before there are still a few places where sexism still occurs. Ramon Campos attempts to expose the truth about feminism that took place in Spain during the 1920’s.