Writing II KMWF

Blog 9

I did exercise No. 5 “to restructures your essay and discover new ideas in the process”. As I was on the progress of building an argument for my essay, I found that I was struggling on having a clear thesis statement, and also do not know how to use the sources that I found correctly. The exercise helped me to clear up what I really should work on on the essay. For instance, the original research question that I had was what it really is to be a real rule follower, unfortunately, there are limited sources online that talk about it, and I do not have a clear answer for it either. The first draft was written based on the limited sources I had found with an unclear thesis statement. So I start breaking each paragraphs apart and rearrange them, suddenly, everything just make sense now —> there is no standard answers for being a real rule followers. Each one has different perspectives on each individual and also people follow the rules or break the rules under different circumstances, we cannot say that if you did not follow the rules, you are not a good person.

4 thoughts on “Blog 9”

  1. I thought it was great that the rearrangement of your paragraphs and ideas was able to spark further development for your claims. As you’ve done, sometimes a topic or issue becomes clearer when you break it down or reorganize it in a way that is easier to consume.

  2. I also chose the same strategy so I can relate to your realizations. Breaking the paragraphs apart can give a new, clearer perspective, which is helpful for papers like this.

  3. You make a good point, and I also find that I have the same difficulty as you in finding a clear thesis statement, which makes the essay unsure of what to focus on, so it needs to be reordered and revised once, which will make the statement clearer.

  4. I agree with you that strategy 5 can help us clear up and figure out what direction we are looking for. I also use the same strategy in my draft, which is very useful for me and helps me have a clear structure.

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