Writing II KMWF

Blog 9

The strategy I attempted to exercise was strategy no. 1: “To Say Something Better.” One of the lingering issues I have with the current iteration of my draft is my lack of properly explained claims or ideas. Including my thesis statement, many of the ideas/topics I mentioned or planned on mentioning have yet to be fleshed out. With that in mind, I thought that strategy no.1 would be most beneficial in my case. Isolating a single topic and trying to develop it as best as possible could be a good way to clear my thoughts and allow me to see a clearer picture of how the idea will fit into the overall essay. In the case of my thesis claim, although I most likely won’t be using the developed paragraph, the strategy helped me formulate a potential plan in which I could structure/organize my ideas.

4 thoughts on “Blog 9”

  1. I think it’s interesting how this strategy helped structure your essay better. I also have been struggling with organization so I might have to try this one out as well. It will definitely help elaborate on your ideas to give a clear understanding to the reader.

  2. It’s good that you were able to figure out what would be most beneficial to your progress especially when it comes to organizing one’s idea for claims and thesis. Even if you do not end up using them, coming up with different claims can really help when trying to figure out how you want to have your ideas.

  3. Glad that one of the exercise actually helped you out with planing/structuring a clear image for your essay. Making logic connection is important to the whole essay. I believe that you will present a clear idea to the readers.

  4. This strategy seemed useful and I am glad to find out that it was useful for you and that it helped you find your claim because I know that can be hard sometimes.

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