Writing II KMWF

I took this picture yesterday as the sun was setting and the light was coming through my window. This is a picture of a little philodendron cutting that I’m growing in a little bottle. A couple weeks ago, while trimming my plant, I accidentally cut off a longer piece, and I figured I could use the cutting and grow a new plant, and reuse a glass bottle in the process as well. Just a weeks after doing this, I saw that the cutting already had long roots growing, and it kept on living. As far as editing goes, I didn’t do much. I just increased brightness a little bit because the image was a little darker than I liked, and I increased the definition to make the plant and bottle stick out better from the background. I like this image because it’s really simple, but the light and shadows, and green and yellow colors make it really pretty to me. The lights and shadows are what drew me to taking this picture in the first place. I looked up from my bed and thought that it was pretty, so I snapped a picture of it. To me, this signifies finding beauty in simple things. There isn’t much in this picture, and as I said the image looks really simple, yet the warm colors give it some beauty and comfort, and the shadows also add some detail. I also think this picture to signify growth and new beginnings, as used old objects that could’ve been thrown away, and made something new from them

One thought on “”

  1. I really like the feeling of this picture, the contrast between light and shadow is very strong. I seem to feel the warmth of this image. Your composition is so distinctive that I can’t take my eyes off it.

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