Writing II KMWF

Blog 11

For my remix project, I am planning on making a TikTok. I’m going to remix my research paper on “Gossip Girl.” Right now, I’m gathering clips from the show that are relevant to the points I bring up in my paper. I definitely want to use a lot of clips because I feel like those will emphasize my points while also keeping the audience engaged. The purpose for my project is to show younger people how this tv show depicts the capitalism and neoliberalism in New York. Since this show was so popular with millennial/gen-z, I figured TikTok would be an appropriate platform to use as my remix project. I’m trying to make it seem more light, but still get the message across at the same time.

I want to use Tiktok’s voice over feature to explain my points so it’s more clear. Remaking my work into a multimedia piece will change me project because it will take away the detailed explanations, and instead be explained through pictures. Adding clips from the show will be adding an element that wasn’t in my original paper, which could help the audience understand my points better. I think visuals really add a sense of clarity, so it will be helpful for me as well. Although I’ll be losing the longer explanations that provide context, I will be gaining more clarity in a way that I didn’t gain in my paper.

So far, my biggest challenge has been planning the actual TikTok out. I’m not entirely sure how to put it together, but I have been brainstorming different things I want to touch on. I like how creative I can be with this project and use all these different elements to make it more fun and enjoyable. My personal motivations for tackling this specific project are my love for this show, but also seeing how it truly gives us an inside look to the lives of the elite.

One thought on “Blog 11”

  1. I love your ideas about making a tiktok! Through out the whole semester, I found out that you had so many creativities and are so good at explaining any topic or any ideas. I really cannot wait to see your project ! Perfecto :))))

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