Writing II KMWF

Blog 11

For my remix project I am currently undecided. I have two ideas i want to continue. The paper I am remixing is my art research paper that was designated toward Gun violence and brutality toward people of color in a video by Childish Gambino. The music video  is “This is America”. My first idea proposal is a slide show where I go in depth about the scenes Gambino uses in his video and the multiple possibilities bout what he meant or wanted to represent. In each slide I would give the background history behind the scene and also add the clip that Gambino used to emphasize this part of history. The idea behind Gambino’s video is that racism is systematically built in American history and it has been silently growing over the years through gun violence and discrimination.

Another idea proposal is a tik tok. During the entire BLM movement that re-appeared as many protests, there were so many tik toks that were like slideshows of many protests and interviews together. For this specific project I would re search the interviews Childish Gambino participated in and spoke about white privilege and gun violence. I would also incorporate scenes from Childish Gambino’s “This is America” ‘s video. as well as add voice memos over the scenes to explain the scenes.  My art project is not really an argument but an informational piece. I will add colorful fonts to make the video pop out because watching a plain black text would be boring. In addition to color i could also change through time. What i mean by that is emphasizing how racism has stayed through the years and never disappeared. I would add historical context like Jim Crow and Ministry. The biggest problem i think i am going to experience is the lim limit on a tiktok video. Since my piece of art is a music video, it will be hard to not just repeat the video itself.

2 thoughts on “Blog 11”

  1. I think both of your ideas are really nice. I’m doing a TikTok and can understand why you could be hesitant on that idea since it could feel very repetitive. I think if you use some of your time too just explain your points, you can split up your time evenly. I look forward to seeing your final project!

  2. Your creativity for your project just blow my mind! I truly believe that you will have a really good vision conflict for this project and also a good new way to let us understand your topic. Your project will be great!!!!!!:))))) I am sure I will have a new knowledge after seeing your project!

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