Writing II KMWF

5 thoughts on “Remix Project”

  1. I really like how you had the clips to go along with the captions. It helped to provide a visual so we could actually see what was happening in the show. I also thought that the voice from tik tok made the audience enjoy your video a lot more too.

  2. Your editing skills and the media you use are so good! This video has a very strong logical sense/logical connection. I really like how you explain. your ideas to us clearly while also making us laugh about the voice thing you used from ticktock.

  3. I thought your presentation was very enjoyable. You made great use of images and video clips to support your statements. I also thought it was a good choice to have the text-to-speech feature included since it may have helped lead the audience along with the video.

  4. The editing in your project was really well done as the analysis and clips blended together really nicely. The explanation of the show was also well done which was good for anyone who has never seen the show.

  5. I really found your presentation really engaging especially since it is a tik Tok I feel like it made it connect more with students since it is an app used by many people today. The clips of the show you used made it even more entertaining and I feel like they brought your presentation together by connecting to your argument. All the information you gave about the show really made me want to watch it

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