Joel Batz’s Introductory

  1. I am a Latino who was born and raised in Queens New York. My mother came to the United States to be reunited with her family after being left behind in Guatemala when she was a child, while my dad came by himself to seek for greater opportunities. Growing up as a Latino and with immigrant parents it has always pushed me to thrive and do my very best in everything I do. My whole life I’ve wanted and want to make my parents proud of who I am and make if further then they did, especially that I have greater opportunities then they had. As a Latino I noticed that at times we would be treated unfairly and that many other immigrants are forced to work the jobs many wouldn’t like, for example construction, landscaping and list goes on. Cool Things to Know About the Guatemala Flag - AllTheRooms - The Vacation Rental Experts
  2. Christianity, and Church is the biggest part of my life, growing up I would never miss a Sunday service and it is still like that till this day. My parents also grew up in Church when they lived in Guatemala and have passed it down to me. I grew up in a Christian Evangelical home and went to an Assemblies of God Church to be exact. Growing up in Church I made many childhood friends that I am still very close to till this day, I am positive that my Church has shaped the person I am today. Church has thought me to be a patient, thoughtful, and loving person, especially in a society where we find all types of people, but I’ve learned that we should love all people no matter their beliefs and lifestyle just as Christ did. See the source image
  3. Sports is also a big part of my life especially soccer, which is why I am a very competitive person. Growing up there wouldn’t be a Saturday where my older brother and I wouldn’t wake up to watch a soccer game. The FIFA World Cup is also a big deal in my family where we would all make predictions on how the tournament’s results will be. Soccer brought me closer to my family especially my older brother and father our passion for the sport allowed us to spend countless hours together which I will always cherish. Soccer isn’t the only sport I enjoy playing and watching, I also love Baseball and Basketball I also grew up playing these sports which is the main reason I am very competitive. No matter the sport I am playing I always want to win, and I always want my team to be on the top, that is just the type of person I am. Why Americans aren't so interested in soccer - Sports Retriever
  4. Another thing that is very crucial to my life is definitely my siblings, my older brother and sister have always been there for me and always want the best for me. My siblings have thought me how to be a patient person especially when they annoy me but that just part of having siblings. My siblings and I always look out for each other no matter the circumstances, which can explain why we get along very well. My older brother has always given me great advice which is something I always listen to because at the end of the day he knows best, and I have always benefited from it. I am glad I have two very understanding siblings and they have always played a big part of my success and the success I will achieve at Baruch College and further on.
  5. Growing up I always looked up to my grandparents from both sides, my grandparents from my mother’s side live in New York while my grandparents from my father’s side always lived in Guatemala. Every time I would visit my grandparents back in Guatemala my grandfather always had something going on, either he remodeled his home, bought a new car or opened a new business. Growing up my father would always tell me about how his family was poor but that did not stop my grandpa from succeeding in life. My grandfather did everything from selling clothing, food, used cars, or buying and selling property his hustle and hunger to see his family in a better position never stopped. He has also thought me that success isn’t just wealth, but it’s about living a life that honors God, and raising a healthy and loving family. As of my grandparents from my mother side they took on the challenge to migrate to a completely different nation to give their family greater opportunities. My grandfather used to work two jobs in order to provide for his family and to reach his goal of buying his own home. My grandparents from both sides are one of my main motivations to take advantage of the opportunities God has set for me and to make it much further than they can imagine.
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2 Responses to Joel Batz’s Introductory

  1. Jose Perez says:

    Hey Joel, I see we have very similar upbringings. I too come from immigrant parents that came to this country for better lives. I also identify as a Christian and was raised throughout my childhood always going to church on Sundays. I admire the fact that with the help of religion, you have been able to have a positive attitude towards life and other people.

  2. JSylvor says:

    Joel, Thank you for sharing these important elements of your identity. I was especially moved by your words about your grandparents. The fact that you acknowledge the example they set for you says a lot about your character!

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