Sep 11 2012

Ishwar and or Ishy

Published by at 11:39 PM under Uncategorized

You guys have probably seen me around wearing these headphones. Honestly these headphones keep me grounded and focused. You guys probably don’t know i have a short temper and also a horrible nervous problem. I dislike waiting and the only thing that keeps me from flipping out is listening to my music on blast where i cant acknowledge anything going on around me. They also look GREAT


Although this isn’t my collection and my collection is no where as impressive, i am obsessed with jordans. Yeah your reading like “yeah and so does every other guy” but NO. I am only interested in jordans that are as old as me or even older. It is a collecting thing more than a style thing. Everyone wears jordans and i hate being like everyone else. Overall Jordans are beautiful and so well constructed and created.















These two individuals above are two of my role models, The first being Tracy McGrady, He was once the scoring champion of the NBA and arguably the best player in the NBA. After undergoing two knee surgeries and a back surgery, he is currently trying to recover and play like he used to. Him just trying gives me faith to work hard at getting better. The latter is Carmelo Anthony who just recently represented our country in the olympic’s. He  is popular in society and plays basketball excellently, I love basketball and play pretty well if i do say so myself. These are my role models i watch their highlights constantly.

I can best describe myself as a person with many faces, aka a Gemini. This picture helps describe me because it depicts the actual split in my personality. In once instance i am very social and talkative, while at other times i’m reticent, mean and difficult. This schism is personality translates into the way i dress on certain days, my productivity in the school. Its actually crazy to see.

To those of you who have seen me around and i havent made it clear I AM NOT INDIAN PAKI or BENGALi. I AM a proud Trinidadian,i am a native from an island in the carribean  right off the coast of south america. We are home to calypso, soca and reggea music we have an abundance of food selections and beautiful scenery. One of the more unknown spots in the carribean, most recently tourist traffic has rapidly increased. YOU should visit.

These are V E G E T A B L E S, they grow in the ground. These vegetables can also be food if prepared right. It’s always the worst talking about vegetarianism its like you guys arent aware that vegetables even exist. I have been a vegetarian all my life and i dont plan on changing. it is mainly becuase of religion but ive learned to love it, since i have never tried anything else.

I take weight lifting very serious as of a year ago. I use weights as a stress reliever i love the pain that i get from working out. Its like a drug, i think its called adrenaline right?? I try to go to the gym everyday but i slack a lot. If i ever seem like i’m in a rush or i have some place to be. Don’t be offended i’m probably on my way to the gym.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Ishwar and or Ishy”

  1.   Crystalon 12 Sep 2012 at 11:05 PM

    LMFAO, Ishwar, at your comment “These are V E G E T A B L E S, they grow in the ground.” I’m actually eating more vegetables since my bosses are healthy-conscious and are almost always eating a salad for lunch. As for you being a vegetarian all your life, I guess you can’t miss what you never had, huh?


  2.   DDeCrescenzo-froon 14 Sep 2012 at 3:14 PM

    I’m adding Trinidad to my list of places to visit one day! Any thoughts about doing basketball intramurals at Baruch? That would be pretty cool!