
Mrs.Dalloway = Septimus ?

When reading the story it seems pretty obvious that Septimus and Mrs.Dalloway are two separate people, but after analyzing Septimus thoughts and views on life after coming back from  war one can argue that septimus is pratically a dupe for Mrs.Dalloway. Septimus is a war veteran who suffered from shell shock aka (PTSD). He is sometimes overcome with the beauty in the world, but he also fears that the people in it are dishonest and lack kindness. There’s an ironic contrast between clarissa and septimus they appear different to the world when they are one in the same , clarissa is meant to always speak the truth and be a women with class. While septimus is viewed as a week insane man who is of no value to the world. Woolf describes their features and passions exactly the same they both have long beak noses , love shakespeare , and fear oppression.Can it be that septimus is actually sane while clarissa is insane for the simple fact that septimus has the free will to spaek and act as he pleases , while clarissa has to live up to the standards of an upper class white women. Another connection between the two is the struggles they faced inorder to please the greater good of the people. while drowning in their own passions and fantasies. Septimus hoped to preserve the english society , while clarissa hoped to preserve her class although she had a deper thought inside.One may say that septimus and clarissa diffr in the fact that clarissa didnt kill her self , Can we really say shes alive? Clarissa died once she left her city she took on a different lifestyle and role on society Mrs.dalloway was born and burried clarissaalong with her fantasies.



Aiesha’s journey to Baruch College

That morning Aiesha started off her day as usual , she left her house to start off her journey to school( Baruch College). She took an empty elevator to the main lobby , upon exiting her building she noticed that the bus was approaching her way, as she boarded she saw that it wasn’t crowded “hmmm.. on a monday morning, rare “she thought .She continued her journey by taking the 5 train to grand central 42nd where she would then have to transfer to the 6.While boarding the 5 train she came across a familiar  face , it had been a client she had a few days back .She felt a bit annoyed .The customer was asking her about work related things while she was trying to study for her Spanish exam.Once she reached grand central ,the 6 train was waiting right across the platform she made a quick run for it and make it just before the doors closed.While on the 6 train she overheard 2 coworkers bickering about a client .Her stop finally came and she exited the train.As she made an attempt to walk to school a lady stood right in front of on the sidewalk blocking her from crossing she said excuse me over 3 times , but no response from the lady . There was a lady standing  right by Aiesha who couldn’t bare no more,  she yelled “EXCUSE ME” and shoved her out the way. On the bright side Aiesha got to school right on time for her exam


“Discourse on the Logic of Language”

‘I have no mother tongue , no mother to tongue no tongue to mother tongue me I must therefore be tongue dumb , dumb tongued ,  dub tongued damn dumb tongue but I have a dumb tongue, tongue dumb father tongue and English is my mother tongue , is my father tongue is a foreign lan  lan language , languish anguish a foreign anguish is English another tongue my mother, mommy,  mummy , mosair  maysayer maytear modare tongue …..” English is a foreign language that was instilled upon the slaves to keep them from being rebellious to their owners. By taking a way there ability to speak with one another in their foreign language they lost any sense of their culture “English is a foreign language and not a mummy tongue” oh how I cant get over these words so powerful and true . English is not the language of the foreigners , their mummy tongues , grand mothers tongues, great grand mothers tongues have vanished in the soil of the lad of the English . ” I have no mother tongue no mother to tongue ..”  in the narrative of Douglas he explains how the slave owners would part them from their mothers at early age to remove any connection and passage of culture. In the poem  she mentions parts of the brain  in the frontal cortex called brocas (named after psychologist Broca) who thought that white men had larger brains than blacks , minorities , and women therefore making them  inferior to the rest. Douglass had no mother to tounge and yet he was not tongue dumb beause of his passion to learn which took him from thinking of me to we to free and that he was . so English is a lan lan laguage languish anguish therefore it is not my freign language.


The Lamb & The Tyger

” The Lamb & The Tyger ” resemble day and night to me . Each of these poems describe the world we live in today the Lamb being the day : innocent, peaceful, good and the Tyger  being the night;  scary , dark ,evil , and  mysterious. Both poems question there coming to the world and why they were created the way they were. Although they are some what opposites they also resemble one another in the sense that they were both created by a higher power & are both questioning their being. The lamb is described like a child , soft , miled , well clothed .While the Tyger is being questioned for his fearful symmetry . I guess the main question that’s being asked between both poems is how can the same creator who created something so peaceful and beautiful as the lamb  creates a creature so horrifying as the Tyger . Both these poems tie in with Mary Shellys Frankenstein the monster being a sublime in the eyes of victor,  beautiful yet horrifying at the same time. Can’t it be that the monster as described be a combination of both the Lamb and the Tyger . The creature in Frankenstein was described so beautifully and yet became a horrifying creature to the creator him self ” His limbs were in proportion , and i had selected  selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! – great god ! his yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black , and flowing ; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast  with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same color as the dun white sockets in which they were set , his shrivelled complexion, and straight black lips .” {volume 1 ch.4}     Victor accomplished the unthinkable and yet it all meant nothing after his creation saw life . His dream vanished and felt nothing but disgust and horror in his heart. Normally a creator creates something/someone that relates to them , can it be that the creature is a reflection of victor himself . Its not till the creature was alive that he seen a reflection of  him self and realize what his inner self is like . The characteristics of the Lamb  can be used to describe victor during the day while the Tyger can be the creature (victor) at night . Over all we live in a ying and yang world we have both good and bad to give a balance we wouldn’t be able to recognize good without evil .