Mrs.Dalloway = Septimus ?

When reading the story it seems pretty obvious that Septimus and Mrs.Dalloway are two separate people, but after analyzing Septimus thoughts and views on life after coming back from  war one can argue that septimus is pratically a dupe for Mrs.Dalloway. Septimus is a war veteran who suffered from shell shock aka (PTSD). He is sometimes overcome with the beauty in the world, but he also fears that the people in it are dishonest and lack kindness. There’s an ironic contrast between clarissa and septimus they appear different to the world when they are one in the same , clarissa is meant to always speak the truth and be a women with class. While septimus is viewed as a week insane man who is of no value to the world. Woolf describes their features and passions exactly the same they both have long beak noses , love shakespeare , and fear oppression.Can it be that septimus is actually sane while clarissa is insane for the simple fact that septimus has the free will to spaek and act as he pleases , while clarissa has to live up to the standards of an upper class white women. Another connection between the two is the struggles they faced inorder to please the greater good of the people. while drowning in their own passions and fantasies. Septimus hoped to preserve the english society , while clarissa hoped to preserve her class although she had a deper thought inside.One may say that septimus and clarissa diffr in the fact that clarissa didnt kill her self , Can we really say shes alive? Clarissa died once she left her city she took on a different lifestyle and role on society Mrs.dalloway was born and burried clarissaalong with her fantasies.