The Lamb & The Tyger

” The Lamb & The Tyger ” resemble day and night to me . Each of these poems describe the world we live in today the Lamb being the day : innocent, peaceful, good and the Tyger  being the night;  scary , dark ,evil , and  mysterious. Both poems question there coming to the world and why they were created the way they were. Although they are some what opposites they also resemble one another in the sense that they were both created by a higher power & are both questioning their being. The lamb is described like a child , soft , miled , well clothed .While the Tyger is being questioned for his fearful symmetry . I guess the main question that’s being asked between both poems is how can the same creator who created something so peaceful and beautiful as the lamb  creates a creature so horrifying as the Tyger . Both these poems tie in with Mary Shellys Frankenstein the monster being a sublime in the eyes of victor,  beautiful yet horrifying at the same time. Can’t it be that the monster as described be a combination of both the Lamb and the Tyger . The creature in Frankenstein was described so beautifully and yet became a horrifying creature to the creator him self ” His limbs were in proportion , and i had selected  selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! – great god ! his yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black , and flowing ; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast  with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same color as the dun white sockets in which they were set , his shrivelled complexion, and straight black lips .” {volume 1 ch.4}     Victor accomplished the unthinkable and yet it all meant nothing after his creation saw life . His dream vanished and felt nothing but disgust and horror in his heart. Normally a creator creates something/someone that relates to them , can it be that the creature is a reflection of victor himself . Its not till the creature was alive that he seen a reflection of  him self and realize what his inner self is like . The characteristics of the Lamb  can be used to describe victor during the day while the Tyger can be the creature (victor) at night . Over all we live in a ying and yang world we have both good and bad to give a balance we wouldn’t be able to recognize good without evil .