Sofia’s journey to Baruch

As I stepped out of my house, I got a feeling of contentment and happiness because the warm hair hit me right in the face, surprisingly it wasn’t that cold fall air. I walked to the corner of my house to get on the Q47 bus and later get on the E train. After a couple stops on the bus, I finally got off on Roosevelt and rushed down the stairs to get on the next arriving E train. When the train arrived I felt even more happy because I actually managed to get a seat, mind you there is never a seat available, usually there isn’t even space to get on the train. It’s like trying to fit and push all your socks into your drawer. I got off the train at Lexington and speed walked to transfer to the downtown 6 train. When I got on the train I felt distracted because there was a big brolic guy standing right in front of me wearing this muscle shirt that read “straight outta the gym”, I found that quite hilarious. Another thing that I saw was this guy wearing converse, they looked fairly new, not worn out, blue jeans that weren’t worm out wither, and a normal white t shirt. He was calling out to everyone that that train to give him any spare change for something to eat or a hot meal.  That was pretty baffling because this guy probably has money to afford the clothes he was wearing, yet he was going around asking people for money. I was only on the 6 train for 4 stops but this had me so distracted because you really get to observe how different and interesting people really are. 23st station, and I rushed out the train hoping I could have time to buy a quick coffee. Luckily, the line wasn’t long so I went inside but there was a customer ahead of me that kept talking to the cashier, it was annoying me because a line started to form behind me and the cashier kept the conversation going.  Once the cashier realized there was actually a long line she asked me if I was ready to order. After waiting about 3 minutes for my coffee I rushed into Baruch College and flew upstairs to get to English class.