Character connections in Mrs. Dalloway

Mrs. dalloway


Each of these four circles contains characteristics that I see in the novel that connect and shape the plot, how I see the characters behave and make conclusions about how they feel. The time period and events that go on in the story can also connect how the world is a work of art, seeing how the characters behave and the lack of family connection shows how theses characters have their own world as a work of art. Post-war causes the characters to live in fear; on that cloudy day that Clarissa went to buy the flowers,the explosion of the car and an airplane flying by caused the characters in the own to get scared because living through a war, they experienced many bomb explosions, many airplanes passing by dropping bombs. They continue to live in this fear that any loud noise or planes flying by could be yet another bomb or a shooting. Septimus is one character who is pretty delusional because of the war and the things he experienced and went through while fighting in the war. Although he does suffer from PTSD, his wife also gets effected by his disorder, since she is always around Septimus she gets influenced by seeing her husband suffer from this disorder. This could be very difficult for someone to live with because they don’t have a piece of normality in their life, they have to deal with someone who has this condition who possibly may never have a normal, stable life again. Observing how Clarissa and her husband Richard don’t really connect with one another, they kind of just put up with each other to full fill the title of being husband and wife. I feel like back then people got married to unite 2 different families, not because they were in love and wanted to spend the rest of their lives with each other. Being that Clarissa is of upper society, she must marry someone who is also of upper society to not cause any issues between her family members. Throughout the novel, I noticed that husband and wives don’t have a connection, parents with children don’t have a connection either, they lack that love and care that family members are supposed to give each other. This lack of family connection causes loneliness within the characters, the day that clarissa went to buy flowers, all the things she was thinking about as she walked to the flower shop was about her past, when she was 18, then her thoughts go back to her life now, she just goes very back and forth with her thinking, it seems like she has no one to talk to and open to about what she thinks and what she feels. Each character is in their own little world, but each of these individual worlds result in this one world the live in, its a unique work of art.