Journey to Baruch College

Jaclyn Corral

ENG 2850

Journey to Baruch College

Sept 12, 2015

1) “Since we have nothing to do today, let us follow the stream up to its source to have some fun” ( Journey to the west: Chapter 1)

This quote from the first chapter of Journey to the west reminds me of the place I grew up. It is right on a peninsula and completely surrounded by water. When I was younger I would walk with my dad from the beginning of the bay to the end of the ocean and we would watch the birds and the animals swimming in the water. From these adventurous we took when I was younger, grew my deep love for animals and the ocean.

Breezy to Grand Central

2) “Darkness was upon the face of the deep.” (Genesis)

This quote, although it is not exactly how it was meant in Genesis, reminds me of a dark time in my life. My freshman year of college was horrible and I absolutely hated going away. So this quote reminds me of all the times I had to take the train from Grand Central to go back to School, when all I wanted to do was stay in the city.

Grand Central to Baruch College


3) “All those who appear as Buddhas in the three periods of time fully awake to the utmost, right and perfect Enlightenment because they have relied on the Perfection of Wisdom” (The Heart Sutra)

Although I am definitely not a bodhissatva, this quote makes me think of Baruch College, and how it was one of the greatest decisions I ever made. After realizing I did not like where I was freshman year of college, all I could do was study as hard as I could, get good grades, and transfer to Baruch where I knew I would be happier. In choosing to go to school in the city, specifically at Baruch, I bettered my future and made my self a million times happier than I could’ve ever been at my previous college.