The Modern Art

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Art is the inner quality of expressing feelings. This is a kind of working that not only shows something but also tells the story. Today I get a chance to visit the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). It is a great experience and a great pleasure to see all the works in there. I see a lot of works which astonish me. Some of them have great stories, some of them make you think, some of them have great color, moreover, it is really surprising for me to see that how broad minded the artist were during that time. However, within all these great works two paintings really unite me with them. One of these is “Washerwomen” (1888) by Paul Gauguin, and the other one is “I and the Village” (1911) by Marc Chagall. The reason of choosing both of these painting is both of these have same concept. On both of the paintings the painters show how much the urban life is really dependent on farming and woman during that time. Both of them focus on the fact that how the men play a big role to construct the life outside the home and how women play a big role to maintain their household chores.

Both of the paintings personally attach me with them. Since I belong from a society where the structure is, man earns the money, feeds his family and woman stays at home, does all the works at home and take care of his family. When I see these painting I see my culture in front of me.