
“Girl” Assignment – This is How I am

Will you stop telling me what should I do and what should not I do? From my childhood till now you are keep saying what I should do, how should I do and why should I do. Even if it was not my fault you keep blaming me for everything. If I did not understand something you never tried to make me understand that, you just said do not do this and that. You keep neglecting me every time. You do not tell me anything anymore because I am a grown up person now and I know how to deal with all the problems.

Will you stop insisting me not to become the person that I already am? I have become the person that I always wanted to be even that you made it so hard for me. May be I could not be the one that you always wanted me to be and maybe it was because your expectations were too high. If you would have lower expectations you would see I had grown up almost perfect.

Will you stop showing that I was born to be neglected and ignored? I am happy to be a girl; I am glad that I am not the boy. If I am a grown up woman than I know how to deal with my man and I appreciate your help but I believe that I am a grown up woman. If the baker does not let me feel the bread than that means he is cruel and could not be as kind as I am.


Behind the Cotton Wool

“Behind the cotton wool [of daily life] is hidden a pattern; that we—I mean all human beings—are connected with this; that the whole world is a work of art; that we are parts of the work of art. Hamlet or a Beethoven quartet is the truth about this vast mass that we call the world. But there is no Shakespeare, there is no Beethoven; certainly and emphatically there is no God; we are the words; we are the music; we are the thing itself.”

—Virginia Woolf, A Sketch of the Past



Through this quotation Virginia Woolf gives her readers an idea about the characters of this book. If we read this reading very carefully than we can see that she is trying to construct the abstract of her characters. “Behind the cotton wool is hidden a pattern” with the character Mrs. Dalloway she tries to show the how the real character of Clarissa is hidden behind the daily life an ordinary woman. Here is picture of the daily journey of Mrs. Dalloway on the street of London.



“I mean all human beings— are connected with this;” with this she tries to say that the connection between the human beings are build up to continue the cycle of the daily life. Our daily life is an art and we are the artist. We can see the same connections in her characters as well. All the characters are picturing themselves in a different way while the realities of these characters are different. This is the work of an artist. Here is picture of the connection between the characters of this book.




Marwa’s Early Morning Journey

Today when Marwa leaves her home she has a bunch of tension in her mind. She has to buy vegetables after the college as today is her cooking day and tomorrow she has the Public affairs midterm. So with all this tension she walks toward the subway station fast because she is already late for the morning class. Last night she makes a promise to herself that she will never get late for this class again. She does not like the morning classes because most of the time she becomes late for this class. Then she swipes in the station and luckily gets the M train as soon as she walks in the platform. It is early in the morning so the train is quite busy. This is another reason why she does not want to take the morning classes. She feels very sleepy and closes her eyes. Than on 59th street Lexington Avenue she changes the train and walks toward the downtown 6 train. She sees something very strange on the platform. There is a guy who always plays a very strange and sweet music which makes her whole day very relaxing but today instead of that guy there is a different guy who is playing a guitar and does not have any idea what he is playing. Then she gets in the 6 train and on 23rd street she gets off the train. On the platform she meets her nephew who studies in the same college where she does. She just waves her hand to him and with a rush walks toward the college and checks her watch. Today she is ten minutes late again.


The Modern Art

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Art is the inner quality of expressing feelings. This is a kind of working that not only shows something but also tells the story. Today I get a chance to visit the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). It is a great experience and a great pleasure to see all the works in there. I see a lot of works which astonish me. Some of them have great stories, some of them make you think, some of them have great color, moreover, it is really surprising for me to see that how broad minded the artist were during that time. However, within all these great works two paintings really unite me with them. One of these is “Washerwomen” (1888) by Paul Gauguin, and the other one is “I and the Village” (1911) by Marc Chagall. The reason of choosing both of these painting is both of these have same concept. On both of the paintings the painters show how much the urban life is really dependent on farming and woman during that time. Both of them focus on the fact that how the men play a big role to construct the life outside the home and how women play a big role to maintain their household chores.

Both of the paintings personally attach me with them. Since I belong from a society where the structure is, man earns the money, feeds his family and woman stays at home, does all the works at home and take care of his family. When I see these painting I see my culture in front of me.


A Narrative of a Life and Discourse on the Logic of language

The autobiography of Fredrick Douglass’s “Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass” and the poem “Discourse on the Logic of language” both are adopted from the same background and the background is the discrimination between the white and other colored people. Both of the writings talk about the fact that sometimes situations become so worse in a life time that the language that comes from the mouth becomes a father language therefore a foreign language which is hard to express and the language that stays in the mind becomes the mother language which is easy to express. In the autobiography the narrator writes that things around him becomes so terrified that he cannot raise his voice even if he wants to. The language becomes short enough to fulfill the requirement that the mind wants.

The strong connection that I find between the two pieces is both of these show me the brutality and cruelty against the slaves regarding education and language. In the poem the poet says, “Every owner of slaves shall………………….rebellion and revolution.” In the book Fredrick Douglass says”If you give a……………no value to his master.” (P 20) Both of these quotations illustrate the mentality of the masters toward their slaves. They do not want their slaves to be literate, so that they could keep them as slaves forever. The master never want their slave to speak out because they believe that if they speak out it would be hard for them to keep them under control. The poem says the same thing in more crucial way. It says that the slaves’ tongs used to get cut so that they cannot cooperate with each other.

The autobiography and the poem both has another thing in common which is the lacking of humanity. The slaves are prepared to be slaved from the very beginning. They get separated from their mother, most of them do not even have an identity of their father, moreover they are not even allowed to see their mothers after they die. The poem illustrates the same point. It says that, the mother tries to love her child as much as she can within this short time that she has to spend with her. As she knows that she would never get a chance to see her child again.

The language is misused when the slaves could not raise their voice when they think that things are going wrong. Again the language is misused when the slave owners think that creating obstacles against education and literacy will keep the slaves’ mouth shut. Once again the language is misused when people lost all their humanity, morality and try to establish the point that they are born to be slaved.