Menik’s Third Person Journey To Baruch

Menik woke up after her alarm went off and she still feel tired after working the whole day the day before. She fought that feeling because she knew she had to go to her class. She checked her phone to see how the weather was going to be, lately the weather was unpredictable. She got out of the house wishing her next neighbors were not sitting down outside because they would have said hey and she did not feel like talking. She thought, “oh its good they’re not here,” She kept on walking without really paying attention to anything and she always kept hear earphones on.  She finally got into the 85th st-forest parkway station to catch the J train. She felt tired so that most of the time if she got somewhere to seat she would just take a nap in the train, then she fell asleep. She did not really fall asleep because of the thought she would miss her stop at Canal st. to catch the 6 train, so she kept waking up as the train went by. Finally she arrived at Canal st, she always found it annoying that there was so many people there and people walk so slow, but she kept it to herself. She just kept walking and she caught the 6 train to go to 23rd st. It did not take long. When she arrived there, she felt glad that she finally got there because she did not really like the ride and just kept walking to Baruch.