Sirleaf Journey to Baruch

Sirleaf journey to Baruch College this morning at 10:00 am was very interesting and he had a lot to observed and think about while on his way.

He left his house at 10:00 am to go to the corner store to grap a breakfast but the uncanny happened. The grocery owner asked him I thought your profession was a taxi driver but I am seeing with a hand and books. This question was embarrassing to Sirleaf and he responded by saying I’m not a taxi driver and it not my pprofession. This led him to think that he needed to graduate and find a job in his career of interest. Later, he left and took the E-Train at Sutphin Blvd and get off at Lexington and transfer on the 6-train and then get off at 23 street and Lexington.

And by 11:45 am, he was in the elevator upto the 11 floor and then walked down the stairs to the 9 floor and to his class English 2850 hybrid.