Francheka’s Path to Baruch

Francheska left her house right on time to catch the 7 train. She reached into her purse to fetch her metrocard. Could it be? Had she lost the metrocard? Of course not for the night before she had dropped the metrocard when she had taken out her phone from her pocket. Was going back an option? No. A new metrocard must be bought in order to make it to school on time. The 7 train did not take long to arrive and in a flash she was at Queensboro Plaza.  The N was approaching across the platform. Plenty of people were waiting by the door and she anxiously walked to the platform. Francheska breathed a sign of relief when she was able to get in the train. Not too long there was an incident where she got caught by the doors and had step back and miss the train. The N train was a fast ride and when she arrived to 23rd station she quickly got out catching a glimpse of brown leather shoes going up the stairs into the clear blue sky above. This was not the correct exit. But she wasn’t worried for she ample time to make her way to Baruch. The walk was peacefully quiet and she arrived on time for class.