Jake’s Morning Travels

He noticed the remaining Halloween decorations as he left the building, which reminded him of how much he was looking forward to the holiday season as his building super is quite a fan and takes ‘deck the halls’ very literally. Walking down to the 1 train platform at 103rd street, Jake was reminded that he had to put more money on his metro card by the two MTA workers taking cash out of the metro card machines. Upon reaching 96th street panic began to set in as the next three train was five minutes away, but ended up reaching the station in three. A familiar face performed on the NQR platform at 42nd street Times Square, although he normally noticed her on his way home from class where she didn’t interrupt his music listening on the uptown platform from her perch on the downtown platform. Bursting into the sunlight of day he couldn’t help but feel confused at the odd group of people taking photographs of some art in the Flatiron building that had been there on display for quite some time. Jake did finally arrive at Baruch after hustling a few blocks, dodging the puddles that never seemed to disappear.