Reformato- A Sketch of the Past Assignment

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I compared Virginia Wolf’s characters Carissa and Septimus.  They share the common feeling of depression, loneliness, and isolation at times.  Like Wolf’s A Sketch of the Past says, “we are parts of the work of art”.  What I understood out of Wolf’s words was that even though some people may never meet we are all connected in one way or another.  Some of us are connected through our emotions and feelings and others through our values and beliefs.  Carissa and Septimus are connected through their emotions and feelings.  I displayed out their similarities and differences in the most simplistic way using a Venn diagram.  Both Carissa and Septimus are unhappy with who they have become, but the way that they changed differed.  Septimus is struggling after war and there is no help for him.  Carissa lost her identity as a person and is now just known as her husband’s wife which is unchangeable during the time the book takes place.  On the outside Carissa looks as if she is fine, but we know as the readers on the inside she is depressed.  While everyone knows that Septimus is depressed, though there is nothing that can be done for him.  It is weird how these two characters are so similar yet they never meet in the book, I think the connection of these two characters help you better understand each character as individuals.