Steps that got Suzanne to Baruch

She said to herself,”In a hurry. Gate open. Oh well!” She was really tired. Nevertheless she was determined  to drive the hour to Newark. As she drove down the street, she pretended not to look at the neighbors’ car that was exactly the same as her own. On the highway Suzanne wondered if the other drivers could see her car’  momentary drifting between lanes as she struggled to control her fatigue.  Divine intervention enabled her to find parking. She gathered her belongings, taking a quick inventory of neck and back, and hustled through the maze of streets that would lead to the PATH train. Now, she was really running late for class. A dirty Chinese man with luggage sat beside her on the train . She thought this unusual, and of all mornings, she just  couldn’t stand the possibility of smelling him, so she instinctively moved one seat over. Lots of people coming out of Home Depot. I need to stop there, she thought. She saw a man in a pink man bag and asked herself the question, “Gay?” She then noticed another man with a worn brown leather man bag and commented to herself, “Possibly not gay.” As she walked along 23rd Street she wondered which store to eat lunch at today. Two street crossings and the vertical campus loomed ahead.