Mrs. Dalloway

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In my mind map I wanted to show the connections made between Clarissa Dalloway and the main characters of the story. I started with Peter all the way to the left because he is one of Clarissa’s old friends and her ex-boyfriend. Although it has been a while since they split up you can still see he has feelings for Mrs. Dalloway, but she does not feel the same way about him. Next on my chart is Mr. Dalloway, Clarissa’s husband. They have an interesting relationship because she does not feel sexually attracted to him and this forms a wedge in their marriage. Next to Mr. Dalloway is Sally, the person who Mrs. Dalloway actually does have sexual attractions to. Since she was younger and kissed Sally, Clarissa has known that Sally is the one she really has emotional connections with. Last on my chart is Sepitmus. I feel that Septimus and Clarissa have the most similarities in character and their situation. Life has greatly changed the both of them. In different ways, they both are mentally lost and don’t really know who they are anymore. “Behind the cotton wool [of daily life] is hidden a pattern; that we-I mean all human beings-are connected with this; that the whole world is a work of art; that we are parts of the work of art.” In this quote I feel Virginia Woolf is stressing that in all the confusion of life, that we are all connected and this is a very important part of who we are, and how the world works. You can see these types of connections and relationships in Mrs. Dalloway.