Mrs. Dalloway Web

My mind map / web shows two aspects of Clarissa and how the different characters fit into them and slightly intermingle. The two aspects I was able to divide Clarissa and the characters up was by mental state and love.

Clarissa’s love life isn’t going too well with Richard Dalloway, even though they are married, she doesn’t feel a special connection between them. On top of that he doesn’t recognize her acute depression, as hes at Parliament most of the time rather than with her. Clarissa, however, felt an intimate connection with Sally, which she didn’t feel with her husband. Peter Walsh fits into this map since he was her ex boyfriend / lover and still loves her even though she doesn’t feel the same. They ended it since they choose different paths to follow, and their interests, lifestyles, and choices didn’t intersect.

Clarissa’s mental state is most similar to that of Septimus. They both are suffering a depression that others don’t seem to recognize and validate. Septimus is suffering from PTSD where he is a world that revolves around him, everything that happens suddenly focuses on him and that makes him slightly paranoid and disconnected from society. Clarissa is in a similar state where she also lost touch with who she used to be.

Connected to Septimus is his wife, who doesn’t understand his depression and detachments. I added her into this web since this is similar to Richard who does the same to Clarissa, making them connected.