Mrs. Dalloway – Menik Rahayu

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Mrs. Dalloway was made during the time ager World War I, so this book has been considered as a war book. I did not realize this until we discuss this in class. Mrs. Dalloway has many interesting characters to discuss but Clarissa and Septimus similarity that caught me the most. From the chart above, I did not write exactly the same thing between Clarissa and Septimus. I wanted to highlight how I see them based on the book in a few words. I feel like Clarissa is the female version of Septimus, it may seem odd but Clarissa seeing the world in a “sane-way” while Septimus looking at it in an “insane way”

They question their life. Clarissa looking at it through the way she lives her life. She is very involved with the physical life, she cares about the society too much. She is engaged with the society, either throwing party and interacting with the high society. She seems to always concern about her physical appearance, I feel like she is also a little bit insecure about herself because she tries to find something wrong with herself that she can’t figure out. Clarissa is really aware of her surroundings and she tries to maintain her relationship with the society, no matter how she feels about it.

Septimus sees the world differently than Clarissa, we can say it is indeed the exact opposite. Septimus released himself from seeing the perspective of life through the physical life, and in fact he is not involved in the physical life anymore. Septimus went to war and had the guilt because he’s alive and his friends had died during the war. He stills value the society despite how he feels about the people, because he thinks a lot of them are lack of honesty and kindness. He struggles to keep up with the society and that is why he has mental problem.

I think both of them are trying to please the society and both of them are struggling with it. It may have seem that there aren’t any similarity between the two, but from the way they think and do something; I see it that they are very much alike. I can understand why Septimus look deeply through life outside the physical life because he had seen so many deaths around him. While Clarissa has to live the way she feels like she needs to do.