
In Mrs.Dalloway, the characters I felt that had a connection were Clarissa and Septimus. Though the two never meet or directly have an interaction with each other, they portray one another with slight modifications in events causing them to be somewhat identical. Clarissa, a housewife, who I believed to be pretentious was actually someone who’s going through a midlife crisis. As someone who is in her early 50s, she no longer feels connected to the world and feels that the world is not connected to her. This leads her to flashbacks of her younger self when she had her whole life ahead of her. But now she feels lost without an identity of her own and the only identity she has is being labeled being her husbands wife. Lost in her mind, she comforts herself by stating she enjoys being isolated from the world. Septimus, similar to Clarissa’s feelings and thoughts, feels lost with no identity. But in his case it was due to PTSD, a health disorder no one would accept. As a veteran who suffered trauma and shock, he is told to “get over it” and “be a man.” Due to the harsh words, Septimus felt alone and struggled to express himself freely, he was isolated from the world as he cannot “be a man” or act they way society wants him to act.

Two people who have never met has their lives intertwined with the same feeling of isolation and oppression. Clarissa and Septimus both feel isolated from the world but fear the way society would react if they were to express themselves freely. With this fear, they both lack any type of relationship from the world and even with their spouses aside from the label of being married. Isolation and oppression has lead them to feel disconnected with the world, leaving them with a sense of non-existence.