“Girl” Assignment – This is How I am

Will you stop telling me what should I do and what should not I do? From my childhood till now you are keep saying what I should do, how should I do and why should I do. Even if it was not my fault you keep blaming me for everything. If I did not understand something you never tried to make me understand that, you just said do not do this and that. You keep neglecting me every time. You do not tell me anything anymore because I am a grown up person now and I know how to deal with all the problems.

Will you stop insisting me not to become the person that I already am? I have become the person that I always wanted to be even that you made it so hard for me. May be I could not be the one that you always wanted me to be and maybe it was because your expectations were too high. If you would have lower expectations you would see I had grown up almost perfect.

Will you stop showing that I was born to be neglected and ignored? I am happy to be a girl; I am glad that I am not the boy. If I am a grown up woman than I know how to deal with my man and I appreciate your help but I believe that I am a grown up woman. If the baker does not let me feel the bread than that means he is cruel and could not be as kind as I am.