Reviewing Serials and Databases in Tough Budget Times

Annette Day and Hilary Davis have published a great post about what an academic library needs to do when it is trying to make cuts in its serials and database subcriptions:

The experience of a serials and databases review-reviewing all continuing expense obligations-can be a painful, traumatic process for any library. But it can also give a library some tremendous insights into its collection, its level of credibility within its parent organization, and just how well-positioned it is to fully support the needs of its constituents. A review can unveil some interesting issues in the business of librarianship, publishing, and scholarly communication – from the tools and skills necessary to make value judgments about a library collection to the potentially fatal future of some segments of the publishing industry. In this article, we outline the steps of a serials and databases review from the perspective of an academic library and unpack some of the big issues and questions that face our profession as surfaced through the experience of a conducting a review.

Read the full post here at the group blog, In the Library with the Lead Pipe.

Day, Annette and Hilary Davis. “A Look at Librarianship through the Lens of an Academic Library Serials Review.” In the Library with the Lead Pipe, 8 July 2009. Web. 8 July 2009.

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