Creative Document: Reminder Message
sm156522 on Dec 7th 2015
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Creative Document: “…Or the Monsters Will Getcha”
g.arrieta on Oct 27th 2015
An insane idea that is widely used as a tactic for unsolicited parenting is the idea of referencing monsters when behaving a child. “If you stay up all night, the Boogey Man will get you.” Children, being naïve and susceptible to believing every word they hear, grow damaging fears to the monsters found in the dark. Psychologically, irrational fears like these can break a child’s mind. Many adults seem to think that little white (insane) lies are simply the easiest way to teach a child the correct way of doing things.
Typically, the definition of a “monster” is an inhumanly cruel or terrible creature. Maybe the monsters we should be afraid of are not the ones found under our beds or in our dark closets; perhaps they are the ones that make us believe that those monsters are bad.
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