Archive for November, 2015

Mad House Act 1774- Insanity

g.arrieta on Nov 30th 2015

Historical Document 1

In 1774,  the Madhouse Act was implemented in the British parliament. The set standard for determining who was mentally ill and in need of involuntarily confinement was changed from the justices of the peace to the medical community.  In other words the people in charge of defining who was mentally ill switched from Court to the Hospital. This Act created a Group from the Royal College of Physicians to license and inspect private madhouses in London. The bill specifically required an order in writing from a physician, surgeon, or apothecary stating that such person needs this form of medical attention.  Allowing Medical Professionals to certify lunatics created a change in society’s view of lunacy shifting the view of madness from a spiritual disorder to one in need of medicalization.


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Wonderland Manifesto

fz159810 on Nov 3rd 2015

Our wonderland takes place below NYC on the subway, specifically throughout eight train cars. Each car is categorized under one part of our binary, sane or insane. As our protagonist finds herself moving through each car in the beginning she will have a clear idea which car is sane and which car she deems insane. Our plan to mess with the binary is to have the cars get increasingly “mixed.” So by the time our protagonist reaches the last car she can no longer distinguish if she is in a “sane” or “insane” car.  Since our wonderland is already extremely specific being only in a subway, the scenarios we will highlight will stem from this concept. We will include situations that we each may have experienced while riding the train, for example feminazi’s preaching about their beliefs, while also coming up with situations that would easily be deemed insane. For example, stepping into a car with no walls or something of that nature. The more extreme sanes and insanes will take place in the beginning of the protagonist’s journey throughout, while the more “grey area” situations will be towards the tale end where she can no longer differentiate between the binary.   Our viewer would need to know what a “New Yorker” would deem “insane.” Living in ny we are accustomed to people, situations, and things that could be deemed insane to an outsider but most new Yorkers would not bat an eye at. So it is important that our viewer understands that what would seem insane is actually one of our sane scenarios. They would have to know basic subway logic, like how a subway car should have walls, basically common sense about transportation.

We decided to provide a sample of the story to give a feel for what our character is experiencing.

“As (she) boarded the train like she did every morning at 7:32am, she stood next to an older woman who politely said, “I like your shoes.” She nodded and waited for her stop. The train seemed to move faster than usual, yet her stop did not seem any closer. After some stops, an older woman boarded next to her and simply said, “I like your shoes.” She was confused and started looking around her. She quickly noticed a pattern. Two stops, the old woman gets off. Three stops, I like your shoes. The same people were getting on and off the train. The man in a black hat rides for five stops and gets off for three. The little girl sitting down keeps asking her mother for a Snickers and her mother always pulls one from her right jacket pocket. I like your shoes. I like your shoes. She immediately started panicking. Strange things were happening all around her, yet all she could think was
I need to get to work. I can’t be late again.
I like your shoes. I like your shoes.
Why is this happening? What’s going on? I’m going to be so late.
I like your shoes. I like your shoes.
Just before she thought her mind would explode of insanity, she got off the train only to find another car but with something completely different…”

Reference from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: “But I don’t want to go among mad people, Alice remarked.

Oh, you can’t help that, said the Cat: we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.

How do you know I’m mad? said Alice.

You must be, said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here” (Carroll, pg. 77). We felt that this quote went very well with our world. representing the growth of the protagonist in the story. The protagonist will go from cart to cart, initially not understanding anything of the world, and leaving the world possibly insane.

Work Cited: Carroll, Lewis, John Tenniel, and L. J. Bridgman. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell &, 1893.

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