Frankenstein and Rousseau

Describe It When the monster left the house all he had with him was his clothing he was wearing and nothing else. No knowledge of the real world. He slowly started to learn things on his own through his experiences without someone having to teach him. He even hurt himself through this process like when he burnt himself since he thought fire was good, but didn’t have knowledge that too much of it is also harmful. Also when he starts to feel cold he realizes that the clothing he wore wasn’t enough and also used a shawl/blanket to cover him.
Trace It In the beginning when the monster he left home he didn’t know about anything or about survival, he was clueless and was like a newborn baby who doesn’t know anything and needs to be taught. Slowly he learned things as time passed by from his interactions with his surroundings. He changed overtime because after the experiences he had knowledge of the fire and the cold. He knew that when he was cold he had to wear extra clothing and use blanket to keep himself warm and he also learned that the fire could be useful and dangerous depending on how you decide to use it. If it weren’t for his experiences he wouldn’t have known these things unless someone taught him like kids are taught in school.
Map It My subject is related to Rousseau’s idea of education coming from nature, men and other things. Rousseau makes a point saying people learn not only from going to school, but also from other things, which includes experiences. This relates to the monster because he didn’t learn from men, meaning other people didn’t teach him things instead he gained education from experiences (other things). His knowledge is influenced by his interactions because if he didn’t go too close to the fire he wouldn’t have realized it was dangerous so his knowledge is limited to the extent of his interactions with his surroundings.