Paper Brainstorm Exercise #1

Describe it.

My subject would be the Frankenstein and more specifically his misery. Frankenstein was created innocent and wanted to fully take part in society. He learned the language and much more hoping that it would better assist him in fitting in. But after many attempts and years of trying to become one with society, he realized that he would never be accepted. He would be alone forever.

Trace it

Frankenstein was first created by Victor because of Victor’s obsession with science. Victor’s desire to animate the dead and led to the successful creation of Frankenstein. However, the success was short lived, as the birth of Frankenstein led to Victor’s descend back to reality and resulted in Victor abandoning Frankenstein. From that point, Frankenstein was on his own. He lived a lonely and miserable life. He had no parents to guide him, and needed to learn everything by himself. First he taught himself how to survive. Then he learned the language. He was a very polite person and many times helped people. But every time his good deed would come back hurting him. Finally he learned that society will not accept him not even his creator. Frankenstein lived a life with no one, and his only desire was a companion. Knowing that he could never be happy, he plans to inflict the same pain upon his creator as an act of revenge.

Map it

Frankenstein’s experience is very similar to Locke’s idea of an education. Things can only be learned from experiences. Victor lived a very good life, in a well off family. He would have never understood the pain and misery that Frankenstein endured his whole life. Ultimately when Victor refused to make a companion for Frankenstein, Victor had no understanding of what Frankenstein been through. As an act of revenge, Frankenstein made Victor’s life lonely and miserable, taking away his wife and family. In a way it educated Victor on how it feels to be alone.