Difference between a Textual Analysis Thesis and a Position Thesis

It’s important for you to understand the difference between the kind of thesis you should work on in your paper and the kind of argument you will put forth in your project.

The main difference between the paper thesis and the project manifesto thesis is a matter of scope!

Your paper is essentially a close reading paper or a textual analysis paper.  Yes, it will reflect some of your thoughts and ideas about education and the materials we read especially since you will be putting a theory text in conversation with a literary one.  However ultimately you r “it” for this paper will be some part of one of the texts we have read.  Your claim will be about how we might understand that “it” once you put it into comparison with another texts, and the stakes of your paper will be about how this new way of reading/thinking about the “it” helps us understand what this text is doing as a whole  (i.e. what is it saying about x, y, or z relevant theme).

Your paper is all about how you see the text working!

Your Education manifesto on the other hand is a larger claim.  Your “it” here is your idea about schooling or education.  You will use examples from the theory and the literary texts to help your point, but you will also use examples from other places in history and contemporary life.   Your goal in this paper is to make a theory or a philosophy.  So you are really trying to make logical sense.  You’re not trying to prove that one text is right or that all people do X thing, but you are trying to make a claim about your ideas on education and schooling and back them up with strong reasoning, which your project will then try to put into action.

Your manifesto is all about your well reasoned philosophy!