Become a Student Leader. Apply to Team Baruch!

Baruch College offers a dynamic leadership program,T.E.A.M. Baruch, that trains students under the model of social change by the Higher Education Research Institute of UCLA.

Training for T.E.A.M. Baruch involves a four day intensive program in mid-January which includes an overnight retreat at an off campus location. Accepted candidates for T.E.A.M. Baruch will be required to pay a $45 training fee which will include training for all four days including meals, materials and the overnight retreat.

Applications are due November 2nd by 5pm to the Student Life Office at NVC 2-210.

Upon completion of T.E.A.M. Baruch training students become eligible to interview and train for various on-campus positions such as:

  • Peers for Careers (Starr Career Development Center)
  • Freshman Seminar Peer Mentors
  • Orientation Leaders
  • Peer Academic Advisors
  • PAWS (Peers Advocating Wellness Services)

For more questions visit the office of Student Life.