Writing II KMWF

Blog 4

After completing my sentence analysis, I noticed that I used a mix of simple and complex sentences; but to be very honest I was having trouble identifying what type of sentences they were since I have never learned this technique before.  I was not really surprised with my results because of the way I write out my drafts. when I write my drafts I tend to organize it by ideas. and evidence. this later helps me because all I have to do is explain and give even more details so I can build off of what I had. The changes I can make with my sentences are to make even more complex and complex compound instead of simple sentences. Changing my sentences will allow my writing to sound more descriptive, smooth and sophisticated. Another reason why I feel like my writing came out with these type of sentences was because I wasn’t so sure how to properly add my own voice into the writing mostly because I shared a lot of evidence and quotes. The way I write my papers is starting with my draft including the main points/ information then evidence. Writing it like this has made it seem as if I don’t know how to explain my evidence enough. After this I like to work off of my teachers or peers feedback because it allows me to fix any mistakes and get more ideas on how to expand my work. Overall, analyzing my sentences has helped me to realize how I should explain my thoughts in a better format. I hope for my essay to change from sounding too weak to more stronger and I definitely plan on using this technique with my future writing.