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At a Glance: Terminal 5

October 20th, 2014 Written by | Comments Off on At a Glance: Terminal 5

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The above screen shot is a rating of Terminal from TripAdvisor. The title of the review is in quotes to suggest sarcasm. Although Terminal 5 is accessible in theory the user describes an inaccessible experience. He and his wheelchair-bound friend were told to arrive early so that they could be let in first. Not necessarily a effort to get prime seating, but at as a safety precaution. That didn’t happen. Can imagine trying to propel your wheelchair while avoiding being pummeled? It can be pretty horrid.

He then goes on to talk about where safety precaution should be thought along with show viewings. A rope separated handicapped patrons from the rest of the concertgoers leaving him and his friend with limited viewing. There was also a complaint about somebody not handicapped being in the area. These to problems go hand and hand most times. Physically challenged patrons desire to experience the concert in the same way as everyone else, but many (definitely not all) are also concerned about their safety. To combat this a venue like Terminal 5 should give patrons an option regarding where they sit or find a better place to put patrons like us.

He then  mentioned something I have yet to experience. Friends of patrons were told that they were not allowed to sit on the chairs in the area. The reviewer  recalls a security guard saying, “the chairs that were there were not for me, that this area is not for you people it is for them.” One would think that would allow friends to sit, but not in Terminal 5’s case.

Looking at it from a glance, it may be safe to say not to set high expectations for Terminal 5 if you’re on wheels, crutches, or sporting a cane. If you don’t care about being able to see, then this may be the place to be.

Tags: At a Glance