A Narrative of a Life and Discourse on the Logic of language

The autobiography of Fredrick Douglass’s “Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass” and the poem “Discourse on the Logic of language” both are adopted from the same background and the background is the discrimination between the white and other colored people. Both of the writings talk about the fact that sometimes situations become so worse in a life time that the language that comes from the mouth becomes a father language therefore a foreign language which is hard to express and the language that stays in the mind becomes the mother language which is easy to express. In the autobiography the narrator writes that things around him becomes so terrified that he cannot raise his voice even if he wants to. The language becomes short enough to fulfill the requirement that the mind wants.

The strong connection that I find between the two pieces is both of these show me the brutality and cruelty against the slaves regarding education and language. In the poem the poet says, “Every owner of slaves shall………………….rebellion and revolution.” In the book Fredrick Douglass says”If you give a……………no value to his master.” (P 20) Both of these quotations illustrate the mentality of the masters toward their slaves. They do not want their slaves to be literate, so that they could keep them as slaves forever. The master never want their slave to speak out because they believe that if they speak out it would be hard for them to keep them under control. The poem says the same thing in more crucial way. It says that the slaves’ tongs used to get cut so that they cannot cooperate with each other.

The autobiography and the poem both has another thing in common which is the lacking of humanity. The slaves are prepared to be slaved from the very beginning. They get separated from their mother, most of them do not even have an identity of their father, moreover they are not even allowed to see their mothers after they die. The poem illustrates the same point. It says that, the mother tries to love her child as much as she can within this short time that she has to spend with her. As she knows that she would never get a chance to see her child again.

The language is misused when the slaves could not raise their voice when they think that things are going wrong. Again the language is misused when the slave owners think that creating obstacles against education and literacy will keep the slaves’ mouth shut. Once again the language is misused when people lost all their humanity, morality and try to establish the point that they are born to be slaved.