Sadia’s Morning commute

As Sadia left her house and started towards Lafayette, she noticed that her annoying neighbor decided to block the sidewalk with his floral sofas and broken coffee table. She turned and talked towards the bus stop, everyone’s Halloween decorations seemed to disappear, being replaced  by autumn colored decor that matched the new layer of fallen leaves. Halloween just ended this weekend, how can people move on so quickly? Waiting for the bus, Beatrice Carmichael, already there, plays her daily game and starts staring at Sadia. Its nothing new for Sadia, this happened practically everyday since high school, from the bus stop, throughout the bus ride, all till the train stop. Finally on the train, Sadia notices that the train isn’t going express as it should be. Oh its going to express from Hunts Point to 3rd Ave-138th St, great just just as it should be. At 28th St, people started rampaging out of the train towards the turnstiles, pushing and shoving Sadia as she tried to get to the turnstiles as well. Quit pushing me in I’m no rush. Reaching the top of the station’s stairs, Sadia took a look around at the bright light bouncing off the buildings in front of her, there was barely anyone around anymore. Wow where did everyone suddenly go? Such then such a peaceful walk to Baruch.